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PsLink in combination with JPGview

From : Volker @ 2010-02-19 23:23:18 編集 引用

Hi everybody, first of all, thanks for this great program!
I would like to use PsLink in combination with JPGview. I installed the PsLinkJPGview Plugin and with this, whenever I tap a link (e.g. [imagename.jpg]i ), the palm would jump into JPGview, showing the most recently used folder. I had hoped, it would than automatically open imagename.jpg and show it. Do I do something wrong, or is this functionality not implemented?
Thanks for your help. I would love to use this direct jump to images to upgrade the text-only flashcard system SuperMemo (great program) with images.



Re: PsLink in combination with JPGview

From : Sembe @ 2010-02-22 00:16:17 編集 引用

You should write the link text in the full path (e.g. [/dir/imagename.jpg]i).
Or you need to put image files under the folder "/PALM/Programs/jpgview". That allows you to write [imagename.jpg]i as a link.

Thank you,


Re: PsLink in combination with JPGview

From : Volker @ 2010-02-25 02:19:48 編集 引用

Hi Sembe,
I have already tried the full path and now the "/PALM/Programs/jpgview". Am I using the right version of jpgview on my Centro? It is JPGview 3.1. When I am in JPGview I cannot open an image by just taping the image filename or pressing the center button when the filename is highlighted. I need to tap the open button on the bottom left. Is this normal? Or is JPGview not working properly on the Centro? Anything in the settings of JPGview that I need to set?
PsLink jump correctly into JPGview, therefore I assume everything is correct there. Or do I need to set a specific database?

Thanks a lot for you help


Re: PsLink in combination with JPGview

From : Sembe @ 2010-02-28 16:21:23 編集 引用

When I am in JPGview I cannot open an image by just taping the image filename or pressing the center button when the filename is highlighted. I need to tap the open button on the bottom left. Is this normal?

This is normal, I think. And I use JPGview 3.1 by default settings.

I tested PsLink and JPGview on my Tungsten C and a Centro simulator, and it can jump to the image file. I cannot realize your problem.

Would you please try to reinstall PsLink and its plug-ins? If the version of PsLink you installed is not 0.8.4, you can download the current version of it here.

Re: PsLink in combination with JPGview

From : Volker @ 2010-03-02 16:53:09 編集 引用

Hi Sembe,
many thanks for your help. You gave me the encouragement that it should work in principle. I tried many things this weekend. Finally I did a hard reset and on the fresh system it started working, yeah. And luckily, it continued to function after I did a full restore with Resco Backup. I have many little helpers on my Centro, may be one of them broke a setting which was restore be the reset.
Thanks again, I am really enjoying to have images and photos in my flashcard program.


Re: PsLink in combination with JPGview

From : Sembe @ 2010-03-02 23:01:37 編集 引用

Hi Volker,
I am glad to hear that your problems were fixed.
Hereafter, PsLink must be useful for you.

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